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My Anima and Her Chaste Constituents
Ballpoint Pen, Prismacolor and Graphite on Paper
4.5 x 7 inches
Currently Available
$2,250 (includes conservation framing)
As with LBx31, here she is again... what I believe to be the inward feminine aspect of my outward masculine persona; an alter ego of sorts and a lens, and the unmistakable likeness of a woman we so often see in my work (although, not always).
I don't really know what she represents (if such knowledge is even fathomable) or how to articulate my relationship to her. But, I know she's there. And, she does represent me, in most cases.
Although, in this moment... she represents herself and is acknowledging being seen, along with her anthropomorphic peripheral effects... like divas on stage.
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