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In Residence

2010 - 2012

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an expressionistic depiction of the artist's workspace during his residency in Lubbock Texas ~ oil on canvas panel

Culminating in a Solo Exhibition at the Buddy Holly Center, in Lubbock Texas, this two year residency has been my most prolific period to date, producing 105 works on canvas and paper. Even more important, however, this period of secluded exploration also inadvertently served as a Right of Passage, ushering a Reclamation of the creative Fire and the Renewal of a silently intoned vow; to know, and to become the purest expression of myself. This was the moment that I officially "arrived" and began to come into focus, even though drawing had animated my imagination since early childhood, and the brush had already begun to reshape my artistic voice (since 1991).

This two year period, between 2010 and 2012, was a moment of uninterrupted Space and Time, seamlessly stitched together with an Internal Vastness that (through its own awareness) longed to be discovered, explored and understood.

At times, the artwork in this collection is instinctively uninhibited and Unapologetic; appealing to the spirit's yearning to illuminate what is hidden. And, at other times, it is deeply Conflicted; wresting with the moral imperatives that define our humanity and the ego's tendency to question their authority (for its own sake).

In both cases, however, the selected works in this collection represent an unguided descent into the Unknown, with only intuition's guiding Light and no pre-determined outcome or destination.

~ Hope you enjoy the journey!

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Status Key

red dot
green dot
gold dot
white "no" symbol, indicating not for sale


= Available for purchase

= Premium/Reserved

= Not For Sale (NFS)

pink heart
blue recycled symbol
black dot

= Gifted

= Recycled

= Location Unknown,
    Lost or Destroyed

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social media profile photo of american artist, michael torres

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who is michael torres square logo, in black and gold 02

Austin, Texas

All artwork and photography, copyright 2023, Michael Torres ~ All Rights Reserved

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