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The In-Between Years: 2004 - 2010


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Moving from Lubbock to Austin Texas was a major Life Event, a substantial cost of living increase that resulted in having to work two jobs to establish financial stability, while pulling me away from the canvas.


But, Creative Energy was not lost. Instead, it only transformed (as energy does) and was redirected; first, into a joint business venture (VISIONARY Photo-Graphics) co-founded with my brother; and then into music (with a band called Faultline For Now).


Interestingly then, this moment in my life also turned out to be a litmus test (of sorts) that truly revealed where my passions lie; because, my brother and I were comfortably successful as a business duo; and, I absolutely loved the social aspect of being in a band (playing clubs and house parties). And yet... without my brushes and canvas in hand, and, without the smell of turpentine permeating the air in my studio... I felt like something was missing; that is, until finally returning home... Creating Art.

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The Photography Years (VISIONARY Photo-Graphics): 2004 - 2009

Faultline for Now (FFN): 2005 - 2008

The Displaced Works: 2009 - 2010

Solo Exhibitions:

2008 ~ Who is Michael Torres?, Real Gallery (Austin, Texas)

Group Exhibitions:

2009 ~ Dreamer's Rendezvous, A-Forest Gallery (New York, New York)
2005 ~ Cinco Artistas de Mayo, El Taller Gallery (Austin, Texas)

social media profile photo of american artist, michael torres

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Austin, Texas

All artwork and photography, copyright 2023, Michael Torres ~ All Rights Reserved

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