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Post-COVID Works


After a long, COVID-induced hiatus (needed to reset my compass) I am excited to finally introduce a new body of explorative work; 29 pieces in Mixed Media that faithfully capture an emotional journey through uncertainty,

back into light.

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surrealistic depiction of three figures that represent 1) the personification of a negative inner-voice, 2) the personification of an emotionally wounded state (as the recipient and unsuspecting victim of self-abuse), and 3) the wearied projection of anticipated failure (as a foregone conclusion)

The Abusive Inner Voice


a surrealistic depiction of two figures consoling one another in shared grief



two stonelike figures leaning on each other for support, crumbling in despair, within a barren psychological landscape

Disenchanted Dreamers


surrealistic depiction of a woman stripped of her defenses and confidence, standing in front of an open door to the unknown

Encountering the Unknown


surrealistic human figure on a beach shore, appearing to alter the laws of physics through magic or ritual

Animating the Unreal


surrealistic depiction of a hand drawing a line in the ground, conceptually creating a boundary

Creating Clear Boundaries


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Ebullient Mass


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Exploding Flower


an evocative depiction of a  couple standing behind separate windows, looking out into a landscape filled with heartache

A Compromised Union


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A Discordant Confirmation of Maladaptive Paranoia


the depiction of a composed but unguided discussion with the Self, resulting in a harmonious arrangement of abstract expressionistic impressions

An Elaborate Internal Dialogue


a ghostly depiction of a melancholic (but composed) woman, superimposed onto a messy, abstract expressionistic background

Eye of the Storm


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social media profile photo of american artist, michael torres

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Austin, Texas

All artwork and photography, copyright 2023, Michael Torres ~ All Rights Reserved

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