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The Displaced Works

Courting Chaos: 2008 - 2010

photo of the artist working on an oversized drawing, directly on his studio floor

Like lingering traces of     dislocated memories

the 16 pieces in this

collection represent an

important transitional

period for

             American ArtistMichael Torres




like puzzle pieces

that need to be                a-s-s-e-m-b-l-e-d

to tell their story, and to  express

their collective meaning,

each of these images

ultimately serve                 a dual purpose;

leaving just enough behind to provide proof that they were conceived,​ and that they exist...

not only belonging

to themselves,

but also expressing

their own outward appearances,

their own restless encounters

with   f l  e e t  i n g   moments

though still also part

of a larger narrative;



Self Portrait,2008

Oil and Gold Leaf on Canvas

original oil painting, Self Portrait, 2008; an evocative and surreal depiction of the artist having removed and stored his heart for safe keeping

I was already 33 years old when Self Portrait, 2008 was completed, after having lived what felt like more than one lifetime.


I was called.

And, the opportunity arose;

ultimately leading to the abandonment of a lucrative photography business and a rich social life,

to move a mountain instead.

Financially, this sudden course correction was certainly irresponsible, and perhaps even self-destructive. And, I quickly paid for that decision, having neglected to establish a safety net before blindly leaping.


I was called.


I answered; believing that the "Why" would reveal itself when I was ready to receive it.

As a result, Self Portrait, 2008 could be said to be both a Confirmation of my Acceptance (to answer that call) and an Impassioned Declaration that says, "I see, and understand".

"I see the long, unpaved road ahead", and, "I understand the need to assuage my heart's yearnings, to clear my vision."

After all, staying the course will always be a choice... for as long as I am willing to traverse the unknown (without a map).


Selected Works:

en route to Eviction/Displacement


Selected Works:

from time spent  - Displaced -

on my brother's couch

Selected Works:

from time spent  - Displaced -

in a friend's guestroom

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Austin, Texas

All artwork and photography, copyright 2023, Michael Torres ~ All Rights Reserved

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